The two main problems I have with the way films are classified are that:
- It doesn’t necessarily work for everyone
- Not enough people know about it
In relation to my first point, I don’t actually think there is another practical way to classify film for people; the system we have isn’t perfect but it’s the best one we have.
Concerning the fact that not enough people know about the BBFC and that they can access information on ratings, I believe this can be solved with some promotion.
For a start, the BBFC’s website gives information as to why every film receives the rating it does. If this information was available in cinemas or placing selling films, I believe this would drastically reduce the number of complaints with the BBFC’s guidelines (from parents who take their child to see a more mature film).
Alternatively, an advertising campaign in cinemas, on TV or otherwise encouraging parents to check the BBFC site for classification information would definitely benefit the BBFC.